Welcome to a new week, Ascenders! The last one of the Beta!
Here are some things you might have missed last week in the community!
Forgotten Step in Cold Calling.
@Rachel Grimm shared her take on power poses and the importance of confidence in a sales call. Share what you do to gas yourself up before jumping on a call!
This is the last week to join the Beta Testers Group.
Even if you don't plan on joining Ascender when it launches, this is the only time to access this group. We'll have special things for our Beta users that do sign up for Ascender, eventually. Join the group now to check out what's been happening and to share your feedback.
Ascender Beta Celebration Recap.
Thanks to the Ascender Beta Users that showed up to chat with us and meet one another! It was a great time and we learned a ton. You can check the recap notes to see what you missed.
Deal Desk.
This week's deal desk is live, but without any comments. Is there anything you're working through? Anything that you care to share around your wins? Additionally, if this is just something that you don't think Ascenders will be interested in, long-term, why is that? I'd love to hear from you!
What is valuable to you?
As we exit Beta, I wanted to give a final shot at describing what you think will make Ascender even stronger for our users when we go live. Check out this post to share your take!
Final call for one on ones!
I love meeting the community and I love doing that in one on one coffee chats. These are more relaxed and all tailored to your experience. Thank you to the several Beta Users that have jumped in on these! Send me a PM and we'll set up a time!