Ascender Spotlight on Sara Van Pelt - November, 2022

Joe Huber
Joe Huber Member [Pro], Administrator Posts: 273
edited November 2022 in Networking & Connection

The Ascender Spotlight is a way for us to highlight our amazing members! This month, we're introducing you all to @Sara Van Pelt. Here's her bio in her own words:

Hey all! Excited to be a part of the Ascender community and to share a bit more about myself. I was born in raised in NH & moved to ATL about 10 years ago. After college, I had the opportunity to work as a BDR under a Strategic Account Exec., which provided the perfect foundation for my career. Since then, I've been at a number of early/mid-stage software start-ups, most recently as a Sr. EAE at ProcessMAP.

What’s your industry?


What is the best advice you’ve gotten so far?

"Nike said it best, just do it" It's so simplistic, but really applies to every aspect of my career.

How do you reward yourself for your successes?

Nothing better than a great outdoor restaurant with an excellent spicy marg & live music to celebrate a win!

How do you deal with rejection?

Rejection is an inevitable part of my career. I focus on what I can control, debrief, learn from the challenges and move on, because there is always more opportunity out there.

If you had to pick a favorite letter from the MEDDICC acronym, what is it and why?

"C" for Champion. I love building relationships and appreciate the value a true champion can bring, even long after a deal has closed.

What is a sales trend you’re seeing now and how can others take advantage?

While I don't think anything will ever replace the value of a face-to-face meeting, I really appreciate the virtual personalization trends that have emerged over the last couple of years. It's never easy going outside your comfort zone, but it's amazing what a personalized Vidyard or landing page with relevant messaging can do for building pipeline.

What’s your favorite sales story of yours so far?

Gosh, I don't think there is just one that I can pick. But all that come to mind include down-to-the-wire late nights and a great commission🙂.

What do you do for fun?

I have two toddlers who keep me busy! When I'm not chasing after them, I love cooking, interior design, and spending time with family and friends.

What’s one thing you want everyone to know about you?

I am always excited to learn and connect with others. A friend uses the quote "Iron sharpens Iron" and I agree. I think growth comes from realizing everyone brings something different to the table, which is why I am thankful to be a part of the Ascender Community!

Thank you again to Sara!

If you would like to be featured in an Ascender Spotlight, please contact Joe Huber or email us at!

