Here are some highlights from the past week in Ascender.
John Kaplan offers valuable insights
There was an excellent question from Robert Smart got a detailed, actionable reply from John Kaplan! We think this message is really special and worth checking out. If you have tips for Robert (or a question for John) check out the Deal Desk post!.
Join us on October 19, 2022 at 2 pm Eastern for the Ascender Book Club
Register for the Ascender Book Club event taking place next week and join the group ahead of time. We'll be reading "The One Thing" by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. We have special guest Matt Curtin, CRO at Forcura, leading the discussion. Lots of amazing themes from focusing on what's important to trying new things to leadership.
Ascender Spotlight on Mateo Tedeschi
Mateo Tedeschi is our October 2022 Ascender Spotlight! Mateo shared his bio, some trends he's seeing, and more. Be sure to check out the post and say hey to Mateo!
Get MEDDICC Certified in the Enroll tab
Don't forget to take your MEDDICC Certification courses and apply the learning to your LinkedIn profile.
Highlights from the Explore tab
There's a lot of content in Ascender. This article is all about what you've missed, what's coming up, and has a great round up for anyone that's short on time.
Schedule time for a one on one with me.
I love meeting the community and I love doing that in one on one coffee chats. These are more relaxed and all tailored to your experience. Schedule time with me to let us know how things are going and how we can improve this experience. We're still very early into Ascender, so your feedback will go a long way!