100+ Interviews

Julie Berg
Julie Berg Member [Connect] Posts: 2

What should I do?! Anyone who has gotten a job as a BDR/SDR or an AE, what helped you get that job? I've been through 100+ interviews and gotten to 3rd and 4th rounds and then gotten knocked out and have no idea what I am doing wrong.


  • Joe Huber
    Joe Huber Member [Pro], Administrator Posts: 294

    Hey Julie! I'm sorry you're dealing with so much of this. It's a tough market right now, so you might not be doing anything wrong.

    One thing that's come up quite a bit in conversations is specificity in the interviews. Not just the basic research, but how well you're comprehending what they're selling and their sales process. If you're making it through several rounds, you're hitting the right notes early on, so it's not about your resume or your phone screen. There might be some issues with competition, though, which is tougher to pinpoint. To that end, networking cannot be understated. Connect with some folks on LinkedIn and share your URL, as well. (Connect with me). Look through their networks and see if there's anyone that you can meet up with, even just for coffee chats.

    Your time is coming.

    I'd be happy to do a mock interview, as well. Let me know!

  • Julie Berg
    Julie Berg Member [Connect] Posts: 2

    @John Kaplan , thank you for your detailed response!
    When you say "connect" do you mean just pressing the connect button, or actually trying to converse with people?
    I typically ask for feedback, but rarely get a response.
    I always look at their website and LinkedIn, is there something else I should do?

    Sometimes I am answer questions like:

    "1. What problems do you solve for companies as a BDR 2. How specifically do you solve those problems (what is your process?) 3. How do you solve them differently or better than other BDR canidates? (This is all about you Julie and what makes you different, don’t be shy) 4. Lastly where have you done this before or something like this/who are your references and what are they going to say about you?"

    However I don't think I'm answering them correctly because if I was, I'd be getting job offers.

  • Adam Bowen
    Adam Bowen Member [Pro] Posts: 6

    Julie, since you are putting in the work and are a friend of the program, I am willing to devote some time to help you. Check your messages.