Log in instructions for SSO Users
Reminder: these steps apply for users whose company has enabled SSO.
A. If you are a net new Ascender user:
- Click Get Started with Ascender in your welcome email
- You will be redirected to Ascender to complete onboarding and your SSO will be automatically configured.
- The next time you log in, you will need to click Log In via Single Sign-On, enter in your email address, and then you will either:
- Automatically log in to Ascender
- Be prompted by the SSO provider to enter in your company email address and password.
- After doing this, you will not be prompted to re-enter your information unless you clear your cookies or your company requires re-authentication after a certain number of days.
B. If you are a returning Ascender user:
- Visit my.ascender.co and click Log in via Single Sign-On
- Enter in your company email address and click Continue. Then you will either:
- Be automatically signed in if your email address was correctly entered and associated with your company
- Be prompted by the SSO provider to enter in your company email address and password.
- After doing this, you will not be prompted to re-enter your information unless you clear your cookies or your company requires re-authentication after a certain number of days.
C. If your account is set up to log in using SSO and you request Forgot Password:
- You will not receive a password reset email since your login does not require a password
- Go back to the Log In screen and click Log in via Single Sign-On
E. If your company IS configured with SSO and you are getting a log in error:
- The most common error is that you may not be an authorized user for Ascender by your company. Please contact your Company Admin regarding your Ascender access.
If your company is not set up to log in with SSO, then you should log in with your email address and password instead.