I’m big on systems in general. They’re replicable, lessen my anxiety because there are concrete steps, and they allow me to be more “action oriented” than “result oriented” because I know if I am consistently performing the correct actions, I will achieve the desired results consistently. It’s like pulling out the family cookbook for Thanksgiving dinner.
At times in my career, before widespread CRM use, I’d plan out my entire plan of attack for each month on notebook paper (these are back in the BANT days).
MEDDICC allows us to make much more calculated decisions about where to spend our time and how to execute.
I am curious, as we head into EOY, how people are using MEDDICC training for their own EOY plan of attack and where they feel like they need to be in their deals at this juncture to convert business by EOY (indicating your industry, revenue band/department and general sales cycle duration would likely be helpful as well)