@Antonella O'Day led an awesome session on MEDDICC tips and traps today. Take a listen as there is great advice and great questions from the participants. Shout out to @David Wood and @David Chimenti who jumped in!
@Antonella O'Day - here's a question we didn't get to in the live session: "Often in deals we first gain access to mid managers or low stakeholders - we sell a new service/ way of working with our tech - I've found that often when customers are exploring new solutions, they dont have the answers to Metrics and DC particularly, because its a new thing they are just understanding, and their existing processes are so messy that they don't have clear metrics. How should we navigate the disco and demo call to ensure this is a priority?
Great question. During discovery, ask those questions that uncover the challenges they are trying to overcome and the outcomes they are looking to achieve. The answers to these will then set you up to do a couple of things: 1) Share proof stories of how you solved similar problems and in doing so you can share the DC and the metrics used by those clients. 2) Offer to collaborate with them to build out appropriate DC and metrics based on their goals. Buyers don’t know what they don’t know and will likely appreciate the help to achieve great outcomes.
Thanks for posting!