Looking to help raise the spirits of one my team members
I manage a team with a varying degree of pros to younger people in the sales game. We're solutions engineers, but it's still sales, so we lose more than we win.
What I'd like some advice on is around how I can help encourage one of my team members that's not feeling as confident as they should.
The context is that they've had a few losses recently. I can tell they are getting down on themself and what I'd like to convey is that in sales you lose more than you win. Losses are learning experiences, so we take lessons from the loses and move on, but I know it's still weighing on them. I am not sure how else I can help them, so anything you have is welcome advice!
Ben - a couple of suggestions. First off, remind your team member of all of their great attributes and skills and segue that into the great value they can contribute to sales campaigns, then remind the person of the great sales Wins in which they were a key participant, including some deals that could not have been won without their significant contribution. Secondly, share some positive customer and peer feedback with that person - give specific examples, using the names of people inside specific customers and those of colleagues within your own organization, to make it "real". Thirdly, give your own feedback and support and emphasize that you value the person as a member of your team.
Often, morale can decline when people feel undervalued by those with whom they interact - both customers and colleagues. Highlight the positives for this individual and I recommend keeping it on a positive theme i.e. don't discuss the losses during this confidence-boosting conversation!
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