Navigate to the My Team Page
The My Team tab on the Team Management page is where you’ll manage users.
- Select the Profile and Account Settings icon in the top right menu.
- Select Team Management.
- View and manage your team on the My Team tab.
Note: If you have admin permissions to manage users, you'll be able to do so via the My Team tab on the Team Management page. From this tab you can view how many of your Ascender Access seats are consumed and reserved, see your entire team, and in the Hierarchy view you can view manager hierarchy.
Table View:
Invite Individually:
- On the My Team tab, select Invite.
- Fill In the user fields. *Starred fields are required.
- First Name*
- Last Name*
- Email Address*
- Title
- Region
- Functional Area*
- Methodology Access (if required)
- Reports To
- Permissions: Selecting any of these permissions grants company-wide admin permissions to that individual:
- Manage Users— Invite users, grant methodology access, manage hierarchy, deactivate users, and grant admin permissions.
- Manage Assignments — Assign content to any user in the company.
- Manage Reports — Pull reports on any user in the company.
- Note: Only individuals granted Manage Users and Manage Assignments permissions will have access to manage participants for FM services-related assignments.
- Select Send Invite.
- If you have already invited the user and they are in waiting status, you can click Resend Invite
Note: You will see the user as Waiting until they log in. While they're in that waiting status, you can edit their email address by clicking on the user's name to open the Edit User window. You'll need to contact support for active user email changes.
Invite via Bulk Upload
- On the My Team tab, select Upload Invitees.
- Download our template by selecting Template.
- Fill in the template with the user information. *Starred fields are required.
- First Name*
- Last Name*
- Email Address*
- Region
- Functional Area*
- Title
- Reports To: Should be the email address of another Ascender user.
- Save the completed template as an xlsx file.
- Upload the filled template by selecting Select File.
- Check the Preview screen for any errors and correct then reupload if needed.
- Select Save and Send Invites.
- If you have already invited the user and they are in waiting status, you can click Resend Invites
Note: You will see the user as Waiting until they log in. While they're in that waiting status, you can edit their email by clicking on the user's name to open the Edit User window. You'll need to contact support for active email changes.
Assign a Manager
On the My Team tab, in the Table view or Hierarchy view:
- Select the checkbox for each of the users you want to assign a new manager to.
- If selecting multiple users, it will assign them all the same manager that you select
- Select Actions then Assign a Manager
- Select the manager to assign them to and click "assign" to confirm the change.
Note: A user can only have 1 manager. Selecting a new manager will move them to report under that person instead of their previous manager.
Deactivate a User
If a user is no longer with your company or will not attend training and will not need Ascender access in the future, then you can deactivate them to free up their Ascender access for reallocation.
On the My Team tab, in the Table view:
- Select the checkbox for each of the users you want to deactivate.
- Select Actions then Deactivate.
- Confirm that you want to deactivate the user(s)
- If more than one user was selected, they will all be deactivated
- If the user will need Ascender access in the future, you should not deactivate them.
- Deactivating a user will end their Ascender access and remove them from assignments.
- You can not pull reports on users once they've been deactivated.
- If this user is a manager, any users under them will move one level up.
- You cannot deactivate a user from the Hierarchy view
Reactivate a User
If you accidentally deactivated a user or if a previous employee returns to your company, then they can be reactivated to provide Ascender access back to them.
On the My Team tab, in the Table view:
- Select the checkbox for each of the user(s) you want to reactivate
- Selection Actions then Reactivate
- Confirm that you want to reactivate the user(s)
- If more than one user was selected, they will all be reactivated
- Since deactivating a user removes them from assignments, after they are reactivated you will need to add them back to or create new assignments for them.
- You will need to assign them a manager and re-assign any of their direct reports back to them after reactivating them.
- You cannot reactivate a user from the Hierarchy view
Allocate a Methodology License to a User
On the My Team tab, in the "Table" View:
- Select a user's name to open the Edit User window.
- In the Methodology Access dropdown, select the methodology you want to allocate to them.
- Select Save.
- Upon granting a license to a user, that will grant that user access to that methodology's content in the catalog to self-enroll in. If they start any of that methodology's content, that license will be consumed and you will not be able to remove it to reallocate to someone else later on. We recommend not adding methodology licenses to users up front and instead waiting until you assign them methodology content, which will automatically trigger the granting of required license add at that point.
- A methodology license is not required to participate in an EA Call or it's prework. EA participants do not need to be granted methodology licenses, but if you do grant it to them and that user starts any of these methodology courses (besides EA prep), that will trigger the consumption of that license. (Meaning that methodology license is now tied to that user and can’t be reallocated to another user.)
Remove a Methodology License from a User
If that user did not/will not attend training for a specific methodology and they didn't access any of that methodology's content in Ascender, then you can remove that methodology license from them to make it available to reallocate.
On the My Team tab, in the "Table" View:
- Select a user's name to open the Edit User window.
- Select the Methodology Access dropdown, then uncheck any unlocked methodologies you want to remove.
- Select Save.
- A lock icon next to the methodology indicates that it has already been consumed by the user and cannot be removed. Only unconsumed methodologies can be removed and reallocated.
View Ascender Access Usage
View Ascender Access usage information at the top of the My Team page.
- Waiting — Shows the number of users that have been invited but haven’t logged in yet.
- Active — Shows the number of users that have been invited and have activated their account.
- Inactive — Show the number of users that have been deactivated and no longer have an account.
- Total Users — Shows the number of Ascender Access seats currently occupied (Waiting + Active users) against the number of Ascender Access seats purchased.
View Manager Hierarchy
Managers are denoted by a number next to their name indicating how many direct reports they have.
- Managers can assign content to their team members via Team Management → Assignments on the main drop down on the top right hand corner of your screen.
- Managers can pull reports on their team members via Reports on the main drop down on the top right hand corner of your screen.
Other Functions
- Edit Profile — From the Table View, click on the user's name if you need to edit any of their profile fields, change who they report to, or grant/revoke admin permissions.
- Note: If the user is in Waiting status, you can edit their email address yourself here. Once they become active, you'll need to email support to implement any email changes for you.
- Export User List — From the Table View, right-click on the table and select Export → then pick from CSV or Excel.
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